As I look at many of the available web resources out there on questioning, I just can’t find one clearer or more to the point than this one from the Tulare County Office of Education. The best part is about halfway down the page, and is titled, “ELA CCSS Bookmarks.” The tittle is fitting I think, because just like when you bookmark a page- what you need is right there. All you need to do is click on your grade level and an amazing pdf opens with a Cliffs Notes style version (my favorite) of the English Language Arts Common Core Standards. Among other helpful pieces of information, for each standard two very important things are listed:
1. Appropriate question stems/ prompts
2. Academic Vocabulary
So… get thrown into a grade level that scares you because you’ve never taught it before? No problem! This go to guide gives you exactly what you need to conduct discussions with students at that brand new grade level like you’ve been at it for years!!
Check out your grade level and leave a comment about what you found. Was it helpful? Why or why not?
Thanks for sharing, Alicia! One of my favorite things about this link is that it is so user-friendly. Each time I visit the Tulare County link, I reflect upon the importance of designing purposeful questions….which, of course, requires some careful planning. Many might feel that this is just another thing on our plates; however, with this amazing link, it is totally “do-able”, and once you see the results, you will be hooked!!! It’s this simple….just pull out the text you plan to use with your students, decide what reading standard (it’s always helpful to start small) would be most appropriate to tackle based on your text choice (or vice versa….choose the standard and find a text which targets that standard), use the stems to plan out your questions, record those questions on post-it notes in your book and bam!…’s that easy! Then you can even record student responses on your post-its and you will have yourself some data to guide tomorrow’s instruction. Piece of cake, right???? Go for it….I know you won’t be disappointed. If you’re already seeing results now, imagine what the results of pre-planned, purposeful questions will be?!?!
Can’t wait to hear all about it! Happy questioning!!!