Dear Teachers,
Thank you for attending today’s work session on using centers in the primary classroom!
Here are the links and documents I promised you. I hope you find them helpful. My favorite website for literacy centers is the Florida Center for Reading Research. It is amazing because the skills are organized by grade level and common core standard. To create math centers I always visit Mathematics Coaching Consortium and K-5 Math Teaching Resources. What I love about visiting these sites is that I get a crystal clear picture of what the skill I am trying to teach looks like at a variety of grade levels. Here are some of the documents we used in today’s session. The first video we watched is one of my favorites from The Teaching Channel and is called Creating A Safe and Positive Classroom. I would love to know what you thought of today’s session and how implementing centers in your classroom is impacting student learning! Let me know by leaving a comment!

One reason this was such a successful session was your honesty. Your willingness to put your concerns, apprehensions and fears on the table right from the start helped us map a course together that met everyone’s needs.
- You came in knowing you were doing what was best for your students- for so many reasons & in so many ways! With dedication like this, it’s no wonder you were collaborating at 6:00 at night!
[…] a participation structure from the New Teacher Center’s Oral Language Development Website like a Turn and Talk or a Write-Pair-Share, with the idea that those who are doing the talking are doing the learning. […]