I’ve been following the release of each week’s #yearatMH video clip since hearing Sam Chaltain speak at this year’s NTC Symposium. These clips are a prime example of the value of respectful relationships within, around and between members of a school community. If you haven’t watched one yet, make today the day. [embedplusvideo height=”356″ width=”584″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/9Efoj38lp2w?fs=1&hd=1″ vars=”ytid=9Efoj38lp2w&width=584&height=356&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep2092″ /] I… Read More
Week 3 Challenge: Creating an Environment of Respect & Rapport
‘An Environment of Respect & Rapport’… This is an area I find myself discussing quite often with teachers. At least once a week, I have conversations with teachers about how tricky they find this particular domain/ standard to assess. Recently, I attended a presentation about how some teachers and mentors are tackling this very topic. Before we think about how… Read More
Improve your Teaching Practice: Take the 1-week Challenge!
Dear Fellow Teachers, Let’s roll up our sleeves, take some risks and be proud of the outcomes! It’s February and by now you have a good idea where you want to focus your attention. Maybe you’ve been observed by a colleague or administrator and you have some actual feedback to guide you (yes!!) or maybe you’ve known for months and… Read More
Are we asking too much? Who’s getting Shortchanged?
What would parents think if they knew? I find that the majority of first year teachers I support teach in multi-age, self-contained special education classrooms. Many of the challenges they face are unique to this setting and predictable to administrators and veteran teachers in the school. Many of these challenges are also driving potentially long term and high quality special… Read More
Teachers on the front lines
Good Morning & Happy Halloween! If you’re reading this, you have power somewhere… and that’s great news for you and your students. They are so lucky to have you today. I want to share a quick thought with you before your day goes into overdrive and you are lost in the responsibilities and assessments and deadlines of the noble profession… Read More
Station Teaching
Lately, many of the teachers I support have been expressing a desire to take risks with new and different teaching strategies. One strategy many teachers are investigating is station teaching. Over the next two weeks I will attempt to respond to their needs as best I can through group work sessions, classroom observations and modeling. Here are some videos from… Read More